Short Term Mission Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * If you have children, please list their names, ages, and genders How fluent are you in Spanish? * With one being very fluent and five being no Spanish language skills 1 2 3 4 5 Occupation (If a student, state year of school and course of study) * Nationality Passport Number * Passport Expiration Date * MM DD YYYY Please describe you church background. How long have you been affiliated with your current church? What is your past and current involvement in the church? * Have you ever served on a mission trip? If so, where did you serve and for how long? * Why do you desire to serve at Casa Bernabé? How did you hear about the ministry of Casa Bernabé? * Which spiritual gifts do you feel you possess (1 Corinthians 12:8-11; service, giving evangelism, leadership, mercy, wisdom, etc.) How have you been using them? How do you believe you can use them during your time at Casa Bernabé? * Please list experiences you have with children, if any. * How well do you interact with others * With one being excellent and three being poor. 1 2 3 How likely are you to support others in achieving their goals. * With one being very likely and three being neither likely nor unlikely 1 2 3 On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you collaborate with others * With one being extremely well and five being prefer to work alone 1 2 3 4 5 How would others describe you as a team member? * How well does your team leader know you? * With one being very well and five being recently met 1 2 3 4 5 How well do you accept criticism? * With one being very well and three being room for growth 1 2 3 What does your ideal mission trip look like * With one being every detail planned our and 5 being go with the flow of the day's needs 1 2 3 4 5 Please check all of the following areas you are skilled in. Spiritual Ministry Counseling and Prayer Pastoral Care Music Ministry Teacher Teacher's Aid Tutor Arts and Crafts Adminsitration Secretarial Child-Care Assistance Cooking Cleaning Organizing Items Construction and Maintenance Mechanical Medical Dental Optical Cosmotology Other (please specify below) Other How do you envision using your skills at Casa Bernabé? * Have you ever been rejected from serving in any kind of mission organization? If yes, please explain. * Please select any of the following that apply. Served time in a detention center of jail Been convicted of a crime Had a problem with alcohol Been involved with illegal drugs Been involved in a gang-related activities Been involved or part of a cult or the occult Been the victim of physical or sexual abuse Struggled with sexual identity Diagnosed with a heart condition Diagnosed with a chronic illness Have diabetes or hypoglycemia Have or had seizures Have or had fainting spells Have or had an eating disorder Have or had breathing problems Been under professional care for any type of mental illness If you checked any of the above items, please give a complete explanation: Thank you!