Our Finances
We believe that financial stewardship is a sacred responsibility.
Every dollar entrusted to us is a resource God has provided, and we are committed to using it wisely to further His mission.
“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required,
and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more”
- Luke 12:48
Financial Structure
Casa Bernabé Ministries is supported and governed by two legal entities, each with their own board of directors:
Fundación Protectora del Nino Huérfano (FUNPRONI), the Guatemalan entity
Friends of Children Everywhere (FOCE), the U.S. entity
The entities operate through a Joint Ministry Agreement, which lays out the expectations
for both boards; how they interact with one another as well as what their unique roles and
responsibilities were for supporting and protecting Casa Bernabé Ministries.
*Breakdown of U.S. provided funding through FOCE
The FUNPRONI Board is responsible for all the legal and operating aspects of Casa Bernabé in Guatemala. They are tasked with naming the General Director of Casa Bernabé as well as the President of the board acting as Legal Representative for the children at Casa Bernabé (based on
Guatemalan law requiring a foundation’s board president to also serve in this role). This board oversees the general operations of Casa Bernabé ministries, meeting regularly to ensure everything is operating correctly and efficiently.
FOCE in turn is responsible for all of the U.S. side of operations for Casa Bernabé. This primarily means raising funds in the U.S., providing a legal and safe way for donors to donate in the U.S., while also providing year-end giving reports and tax-exempt receipts, and lastly, preparing and sending missionaries and teams to help support Casa Bernabe Ministries. They also as advisors for both the FUPRONI board and the Casa Bernabé team. All of Casa Bernabe’s U.S. giving is run through Friends of Children Everywhere, a registered 501(c)3, overseen by its Board of Directors.
*Numbers reflect all Casa Bernabé spending (including Guatemalan funding received by FUNPRONI)
*Numbers reflect only U.S. based giving through FOCE, which funds 75% of Casa Bernabé’s total spending
Certifications & Accreditations
Financial Reports
We publish audited financial statements, and our federal tax returns each year. Click below to download.