Brick By Brick
As a team, we've been meditating on and studying the book of Nehemiah as we prepare for Defend the Cause 2024 and look to see how God will use it for the good of Casa Bernabé and His glory.
It has been such an encouragement for our hearts as it offers valuable lessons for the times we find ourselves in.
Here’s the reality: things are tough right now.
Inflation continues to rise, making everyday expenses like groceries and gas increasingly painful. With economic uncertainties affecting families, small businesses, and organizations like ours, it feels like we’re constantly facing new challenges. On top of financial pressures, the world seems to be in constant turmoil—wars, natural disasters, political division, and social unrest remind us daily of our broken world.
Beyond ourselves, millions around the globe face even greater challenges. In Guatemala alone, over half the population works to earn just $7 a day, and tragically, 26% of these workers are children forced into labor to support their families.
The weight of these issues isn’t just on our shoulders…it’s pressing down on the most vulnerable.
Despite living over 2,400 years ago, Nehemiah faced a world filled with its own set of hardships. Under Persian rule, Jerusalem was in ruins, its walls and gates destroyed, leaving its people disheartened and vulnerable. Nehemiah was deeply troubled by the state of his homeland and the suffering of his people.
Feeling there was no hope, he turned to the Lord in earnest prayer, seeking guidance on how to proceed. But Nehemiah didn’t just pray; in response, he took bold action.
His vocation as cupbearer to the Persian king provided him with direct access to him, allowing him to request special permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city. With the king’s blessing, he set off on this mission. Despite encountering seven attempts of opposition, Nehemiah used his position and skills to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls in just 52 days.
He wasn’t a priest or prophet, but because of his earnestness before God and willingness to seek His will, He was mightily used by God to lead the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.
But Nehemiah didn’t accomplish this alone.
God brought together 45 men from diverse backgrounds, each contributing their unique skills to this monumental task. Though God could have rebuilt the walls with just one man, He chose to use 46 ordinary individuals working together in unison.
They actively responded to God’s call with readiness, even when it required them to hold a sword in one hand and a tool in the other.
““For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.””
— 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
As God’s children, He has uniquely gifted and called each of us, equipping us with different skills, talents, and passions to accomplish His work and bring glory to His name.
Whether you're a teacher, a business owner, a parent, a student…your gifts are part of God's greater plan. No one gift is too small, and no role is insignificant.
The work before us is vast, and it requires all of us to take action—each bringing our own God-given abilities—to step up and contribute.
Like Nehemiah, the challenge before us must become personal. It’s not a burden for someone else to carry. As those who love Casa Bernabé, this is our call to answer. God’s strength is revealed when we step forward, not in our abundance, but in our weakness. Nehemiah didn’t wait for a skilled mason to appear; he stepped forward in his lack, trusting that God would provide what he couldn’t.
Just as Nehemiah and his team rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, brick by brick, we all have a "section of the wall" to work on. It might be prayer, financial support, advocacy, or hands-on service.
Whatever it is, God has prepared you for it.
When we come together as one body, with each person working on their part of the wall, we contribute to a much bigger picture—one that brings glory to God.
Just as Nehemiah’s team completed the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, we are asking YOU to come alongside us, unite around His purposes, answer the call of Psalm 82:3, and fight for the children and families in Guatemala.
Are you ready to rise to the call and do the work He’s set before you?
If you have the chance, we want to encourage you to read the book of Nehemiah in it’s entirety (It only takes about 30 minutes!). We have no doubt it will bless your heart, just as it did ours!
Pray with us! Just as it was Nehemiah’s first response, so it should be ours. As we enter this Defend the Cause season, we invite you to join us in prayer. Prayer humbles us before the Lord and aligns our hearts and minds with His will. Your partnership in prayer is vital as we seek to continue in the work God has set before us.
If you haven’t already, please consider being part of our Puzzle Piece Project. Each piece ($20) represents a tangible part of the larger picture—just as Nehemiah’s wall was built brick by brick. By sponsoring a piece, you’re not only helping us reach our $30,000 goal, but you’re also becoming part of the family that supports children and families in Guatemala. Your piece matters and helps complete the picture!
We also invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a recurring donor. Our work at Casa Bernabé is an ongoing mission to provide for the vulnerable. Monthly support ensures we can consistently offer education, care, and opportunities for the children we serve. Your faithful giving becomes the steady foundation that helps us plan and provide for the future. Will you help us build a strong foundation by joining us as a monthly supporter?