Fuego Update from Casa Bernabe
It was one week ago that Fuego erupted, causing mass casualties and altering the Guatemalan landscape. At least 4,100 are now living in shelters—nearly 50 percent of whom are children. We sent our first load of disaster response supplies out earlier this week. Our psychologists are planning on going to do some therapies and we also sent a team this weekend to minister to some families and pray with them. We have been in contact with the courts and they know that we want to be first in line if they need to start sending kids some place, but thankfully they are first trying to find extended family for these precious ones prior to having to send them anywhere. If we do begin getting these calls, we have psychologists on the ready who are experienced in working with children, trauma, loss and grief. We have house parents at the ready who are experienced, trauma trained, and can accept these children into a loving family community. Thank you all for your prayers and support as we face an uphill road that stretches into the future. The situation is overwhelming and we feel so burdened for the people of this dear country, that in providing aid, we do it well and do it right.
Because so many of you have asked we wanted to share a map of the region depicting where Volcan de Feugo is (at the left of the map noted in red) and Casa Bernabe's location pinned at the right of the map.