Sponsorship Programs
Casa Bernabé is a beacon of hope in a city that is filled with so much hopelessness. It is a place for traumatized children to feel safe and loved. However, Casa Bernabé receives no public funding. Each ministry of Casa Bernabé is dependent on your donation to remain operational.
We believe that through our combined efforts and dedication to utilizing our experiences and resources we can help to improve the lives of vulnerable children. Your donations will make possible, stories of love, redemption, rescue, strength, and family.
Hope Sponsorship
Our Hope Sponsors are able to touch and influence every aspect of a child's life at Casa Bernabé. Your sponsorship provides the security of three daily meals, a warm, safe bed at night and the continuing care of loving adults. Hope Sponsors give the children the gift of an education, a vocation, and ultimately, the love of Jesus and the hope of a life beyond the walls of the orphanage for not just one, but all of the children.
Child and Family Sponsorship
This sponsorship offers you the opportunity to invest in the life of one of our children through their Casa Bernabé family. As a sponsor your financial contribution will go towards meeting a portion of the child and family’s everyday needs. But, more importantly, as a sponsor, you have the ability to build a relationship with your sponsored child and the rest of their house.
Education Sponsorship
In a country where the average student only attends the first 4 years of school and the literacy rate is the lowest in Central America, we are making our children’s education a priority. Your sponsorship helps ensure that, instead of poverty continuing to sow the seeds of more poverty, today’s education will create an environment that leads to opportunities and success.
House Sponsorship
Dedicating their lives to modeling what healthy family relationships are supposed to look like, opening their doors to caring for children who have been the victim of tragic circumstances, this is just a fraction of what our house parents are called upon to be and do. House Sponsorship allows you to come alongside them in their calling. This sponsorship helps meet household needs and ensures that each of our house parents and house helpers get paid. As has sometimes happened in Casa Bernabé history, when funds have run low, these families go without pay, sometimes for months.
Currently 6 of our 8 houses are sponsored.